Monday, February 10, 2014

Home Automation

We got a ROOMBA last Christmas and I don't trust it. We named it Rosie after the Jetson's robot maid.  I think we should have named her HAL after the computer in 2001 A Space Odyssey.  She seems to know when we aren't watching.  We call it EAP - Extrordinary Appliance Perception.  She works great when we're around but it seems every time I go out and she is cleaning, she sneaks into my office (even though I have a small baracade to keep her out) and she throws the papers I have on the floor all around. I guess she's trying to tell me something about my floor filing system.
She likes to sneak up on our dog Piper too.  Rosie is not very quiet, but Piper is losing her hearing so she doesn't hear her coming.  Piper gets a bump in the rear, Rosie changes directions and retreats across the room (I think I can hear her giggling) and Piper blames the cat. Rosie also hides the dog and cat toys by pushing them under the furniture.   

Rosie has also recently taken to speaking German.  If she gets stuck under some furniture she beeps a few times like R2D2 then calls out for help in German. I personally think she's swearing, but I can't be sure.  I'm going to get a German translation app.

I can't be sure of this either but Rosie might be communicating with our garage door opener.  I think she's telling it lies about me.  I feel this way because since she arrived the opener has become uncooperative just with me.  Works fine for everyone else.  But maybe she's just trying to crack the code on it so she can make her escape.

Fortunately Rosie can't climb steps or I wouldn't be sleeping too well with her in the house.  If I ever have a strange accident at home, be sure you question "Rosie the maid".
Or maybe technology just makes me paranoid.